If you had told me ten years ago that I would receive adult orthodontic treatment while I was in college, there is no way I would have believed you. Growing up, I never had a perfect smile. This was a fact that I accepted. As a college student, I figured that going in for an orthodontic consultation would only lead to disappointment. The idea of dealing with the expense of braces or Invisalign seemed too far out of reach. It turns out, I was wrong.
“If you look in the mirror right now, and you are not completely satisfied with the smile you have, it’s never too late to do something about it.” The fact of the matter is this: orthodontic treatment is far more affordable than it has been in the past decade. At Seidner Dentistry, we pride ourselves in helping patients renew their smile by utilizing their insurance and creating affordable payment options.
When I had my braces removed in December, I noticed a dramatic difference in my smile. My bite was finally aligned properly. My teeth were straightened out so much that the structure of my face even changed! For years, suffered from TMJ. After my bite was re-aligned, my discomfort became less severe. I wish I had done it sooner. I feel like an entirely new person and you can too!
We offer complimentary orthodontic consultations for new and existing patients to start orthodontic treatment. Create lasting memories for important dates such as weddings, graduation or even family reunions. Your special day will be even brighter with a new smile! Boost your confidence and bring out your natural beauty by enhancing your smile. Take it from me, orthodontic treatment will transform your life!
Dr. Frank and our orthodontic team will be at Elegant Bridal Show at Perona Farms on July 20th at 7:00 pm. Brides and their families are welcome to come for giveaways, raffles, and a complimentary free before and after simulation Contact our office for more information.
Cristina Medina, Patient Care Coordinator and Social Media Manager.

By Cristina Medina, Patient Care Coordinator and Social Media Manager.
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