Dental Health: Medicine or Makeover?

Activity on my blog has been more like a bog. Lo, since the start of the year.  But since spring has sprung and the cats off my tongue, it’s time to get into gear!

So first on the list, I just can’t resist, is a light-hearted discussion of teeth.  Is it medicine we do while treating disease? Or is it a makeover we bequeath?

To my surprise, I thought it well known, dental health is what we strive. But we have the knowledge from years in college to make your smile come alive.

But without hesitation and don’t be mistaken, like a house on a rocky foundation….If infection takes hold and decay grow like mold, your teeth will not last the duration.

This is serious business, can plague like a sickness, paving the way to pain and unease.  Our goal is your comfort but our OATH is to your health and managing the Dental Disease.

Some May question “what’s with the banter?” And I’m at risk of being a ranter and sounding as if on a soap box. So here’s my prescription, I’ll clarify the job description of the hygienists and the docs.

College Chemistry education was no vacation along with biology  and cadavers…. Pharmacology, pathology, and tooth morphology, embryology, and so many others….

Four years at the least before the hygienist is released and  six years are rarely unheard of….The doctors have eight, followed by  residency, don’t negate, and finally they put on the glove.

We have passions, education and fix complications like gum disease, abscesses, and decay. There are tumors and cancer or simply whitening enhancers that keep us busy all day.

But all that we do… We do in the best interest of you, our patients, extraordinaire! And though we poke like cactus, it’s medicine we practice  and strive to give you the best care.

We’re  bound by the state, Hippocratic’s we take, attend  classes, even work when we are blue…It runs through our veins, dental geeks with our brains but we couldn’t do it without YOU!

Here’s to your dental health!

Julia Guerra,  RDH, BA
